Our Process

Our No Pressure Process for Your Retirement Planning

If you are in your 50's/60's and in or near retirement, our No Pressure Process will help you answer these critical questions:

  1. Have I saved enough to retire and not run out of money?
  2. Am I paying too much in taxes?
  3. Are my investments set up correctly for retirement?
  4. ​​Have I made the correct plans for Social Security, my employer benefits and healthcare?

Answers to these questions (and others that may be on your mind!) are delivered in a personalized Retirement GuideMap.

For those who are near or in retirement and are a good fit for our firm, there is no cost or obligation for this process.  We want you to know clearly how we can help you before you pay us any fees or trust us with your hard-earned savings.

​Initial Phone Meeting

We'll start with an initial 20-minute phone call.  This call allows you to gain a better understanding of our process and our expertise.  It allows us to understand the important questions you need answered and determine if we are able to add tremendous value to your retirement planning.

Schedule your call now!

Smiling professional man
Colleagues working together in the office.

​Personal Planning Consultation

Our first meeting will be up to an hour, in person if you live near Prescott AZ, or virtually if you prefer or live out of our area.  We'll meet to get a precise understanding of your goals, hopes, fears and resources for your ideal retirement.  We'll explain the documents we need from you to build your plan.  We'll use the information you share with us to build a customized Retirement GuideMap for your ideal retirement.

​Retirement GuideMap Presentation

​After our first meeting, we'll use our expertise to analyze, stress test and develop your personal Retirement GuideMap.  During our second meeting, we'll deliver this unique financial plan that spells out the exact steps we recommend you take for your ideal retirement.  We'll include actions steps for Social Security, retirement income, tax reduction, investments and other pertinent issues.

Financial reports
Couple in 50's reviewing tablet

No Pressure

​After you've received your personal Retirement GuideMap from us, we want you to take a day or two to review everything.  We want you to understand clearly how our firm can provide value and make sure you're convinced we're the best advisor to help you achieve the retirement you've always dreamed of. 

If we are, we'll gladly get the paperwork prepared to welcome you as the newest member of the Next Phase family.  If we're not the best advisor for you, we'll wish you all the best.  There is never any pressure for you to say yes.

Ready to get started?


Assets Under ManagementAnnual Fee
under $800,000$8000
$800,000 - $3,999,9991%
$4M +0.75%

Project Based Planning

We believe that people are best served in an on-going relationship with a financial advisor. This ensures that opportunities to save on taxes, improve investments, and implement action steps happen when they are needed throughout the years.

However, we recognize that there are situations where a limited engagement to focus on a single financial planning need may be most appropriate.  To help those who just want a periodic check in, who do not want professional management of their investments, or who have a specific urgent need, we offer project based financial planning of a more limited scope for situations such as:

- Navigating receiving an inheritance or property from an estate.

- Reviewing a pension for lump sum or monthly payout options.

- Review of deferred compensation or stock options.

- Investment allocation review.

- Retirement readiness analysis – Understand your ability to retire as of a given date.

We charge an hourly rate and will provide an estimate of cost and the scope of the plan prior to formally engaging on the project for you.

You can start this process by scheduling a call with us to discuss your needs.

Schedule a call

​Next Phase Client Experience

​What it's like to work with us...

​Spring Planning Meeting

​April - May

​Every spring, we will have a formal meeting (in person or virtual).  We'll confirm your goals for the year and make sure your spending plan is secure.  We'll review your tax situation and set a strategy for taxes for the coming year.  We'll develop action items for us and for you to make the most of your benefits and investments so you can enjoy the retirement lifestyle you planned.

Older couple with advisor
elderly couple on couch Gaining full control of their money

Fall Planning Meeting

October - November

​During our second formal planning meeting of the year, we'll update your progress on your goals and verify that your retirement income plan is working well for you.  We'll review your tax strategy for additional opportunities before year-end.  We'll look for additional opportunities to take action to address your risk management and estate plans for your family's protection.

​Frequent Communication


​In between our two formal meetings, we'll be in touch by phone or email with important updates that ensure we are on top of changes in legislation and the markets to keep your plan on track. We'll provide quarterly communication on aspects of your plan to keep you well informed. We're also always available for a phone call or a meeting to address any issues for you that can't wait until our next meeting.

Woman checking her phone