
Image for Where will my retirement paycheck come from?

Where will my retirement paycheck come from?

August 18, 2023 | David Edmisten, CFP®

Another critical part of evaluating one's readiness to retire early is to determine how to recreate a paycheck in retirement. During our working years, most of the focus of our saving and investment is to grow our next egg for a future retirement. Now that you are at the point of considering early retirement, you'll need to figure out how to create a monthly income to cover your needed expenses and have the cash to do the things you want to do in retirement.
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Image for You've been offered early retirement, now what?

You've been offered early retirement, now what?

August 17, 2023 | David Edmisten, CFP®

If you’re 55 or older, be aware of how an early retirement offer could impact your finances. Early retirement packages can offer financial benefits that are worth considering. But there are several aspects to evaluate before deciding if an early retirement offer is the right choice. Ultimately, you want to make an informed and educated decision on whether accepting an early retirement offer is right for you.
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Image for Why I started my own financial planning firm

Why I started my own financial planning firm

August 17, 2023 | David Edmisten, CFP®

I found over the years that there was one group of clients that really had a lot of questions and needed my help. It was those clients that were considering retiring early. I realized that to truly serve this group of clients and deliver as much value as possible for them, I need the freedom to focus exclusively on being the best planner for these clients and these clients alone.
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Image for What happens when retirement ends?

What happens when retirement ends?

August 17, 2023 | David Edmisten, CFP®

Although most people do not like to think or talk about death, one unavoidable truth is that one's retirement will end someday. And while a bulk of retirement planning is dedicated to spending, protecting and growing one's nest egg, sufficient attention also needs to be given to what happens to that nest egg when one dies. Estate planning is the process of developing a plan to efficiently distribute one's assets after death, to meet the intentions of the deceased for their remaining estate.
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