How A Bucketing Strategy Can Help You Retire Confidently
If you're thinking about retiring in your 50's or early 60's, you probably wonder how your investments should change as you enter retirement.
A key investment strategy that can help you have a successful retirement is the bucketing strategy. In this article, I’ll show you exactly what the bucketing strategy is, how to set it up and why it is so effective in helping people retire without worrying about the stock market.
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Have I saved enough to retire?
Have I saved enough to retire?
This is the most critical question to answer and first one all potential retirees must answer. Do I have enough money to leave my job and not risk running out of money? There are many great basic tools online, such as retirement calculators, and some common calculations that can help you begin the process of confirming if you have saved enough.
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Get Organized to Make Retirement Easier
Have you ever wished your financial life was less complicated? Do you have some financial accounts that are hard to keep track of? Do you ever wonder if all of your accounts are aligned together to help you meet your goals in the most effective way? Get organized to save yourself time and get better results as you approach retirement.
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Don't rush to rollover your 401k if you have company stock
If you own stock from your company in your 401k, you should think carefully before deciding to do a 401k rollover. Consider potential tax savings first.
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